INE nominal list service

This service allows us to validate a voter ID registry in INE database. Also if the document can be used as official identification and if it is valid to vote.

The service receives information based on the type of identification to be validated as type C, D, EF and GH.

Web service description

Validate INE ID into public database

This method performs the verification of the INE document and get the information of the INE nominal list.


Request Parameters

Tag Type Required Description
type string yes Type C, D, E, F, G, or H.
id string yes The method receive CIC for types D, E, F, G and H. The method receive the elector code for type C.
ocr string yes The method receive OCR for type C. The method receive and citizen identifier for type types E, F, G and H.
issueNumber string Only in type C It can be sent null or empty when type is different to C.


Tag Type Required Description
timeout int No Maximum time in milliseconds waiting for the service response [between 1000-30000]


Tag Type Required Description
apikey string Yes Customer key
Content-Type string No application/json


  "type": "string", // One of C|D|E|F|G|H
  "id": "string", // CIC or Elector code
  "ocr": "string", // OCR
  "issueNumber": "string" // Only for type C can be null or empty.


Type C ID Model C

  "type": "C",
  "id": "TSVREL72100209M100",
  "ocr": "3854006556540",
  "issueNumber": "03"

Type D ID Model D

  "type": "D",
  "id": "115568150",
  "ocr": "4855115346145",
  "issueNumber": ""

Type E ID Model EG

  "type": "E",
  "id": "145591720",
  "ocr": "0535000172485",
  "issueNumber": ""

Type G

  "type": "G",
  "id": "204978519",
  "ocr": "092333274",
  "issueNumber": ""


The service responds by means of a JSON file with the following information:


Name Type Description
valid true If the document is valid or not as official identification.
canVote true If the document can be used to vote or not.
type string Document type
electorCode string Elector code
cicNumber string CIC number
issueNumber string Issue number
issueYear string Issue year
registrationYear string Registration year
ocrNumber string OCR
expDate string Effective date

Error structure

Name Type Description
code string Error code
message string Error message


  "valid": true, // Valid as identification
  "canVote": true, // Can vote
  "data": {
    "type": "string", // Document type
    "electorCode": "string", // Elector code
    "cicNumber": "string", // CIC number
    "issueNumber": "string", // issue number
    "issueYear": "string", // Issue year
    "registrationYear": "string", // Registration year
    "ocrNumber": "string", // OCR
    "expDate": "string" // Effective date
  "warnings": [] // List of warning messages

Error model

  "error": "string", // Error code
  "message": "string" // Error message

Warnings messages

Code Message Description
INENL001 Unable to validate data with source. Message shown when the INE servers cannot be consulted.
INENL002 Something was wrong, we are working on the failure. Message displayed when there is an error on the server.
INENL003 Access Denied. ApiKey header not found. Message to be displayed when the user enters an incorrect apikey or when the apikey is not displayed.
INENL004 Invalid issue number format. Message that is displayed when the "issueNumber" field is not numeric and has a length other than 2 characters.
INENL005 Invalid Id format. Message that is displayed when the "Id" field is not numeric and has a length other than 9 or 18.
INENL006 Invalid OCR format. Message that is displayed when the "ocr" field is not numeric and has a length other than 9 or 13
INENL007 Invalid type. Message displayed when the "type" field does not have a value of "C", "D", "E", "F", "G" or "H".
INENL008 Unable to validate data. Message displayed when the timeout for validation against the source is exceeded.
INENL009 Incorrect or non-existent data. Message displayed when no information related to the entered data was found in the INE source.
INENL010 The credential is not accepted as official identification. Message displayed when the credential cannot be use as official identification.
INENL011 The credential is not valid to vote. Message displayed when the credential cannot be use to vote.
INENL012 The timeout is out of range, it must be between 1000 and 30000. Message displayed when the timeout is out of range.
INENL013 Ine service unavailable. Message displayed when the validation couldn't be done.
INENL014 This is not the latest voter ID issued, check the current IFE/INE Message displayed when exist a more recent identification

Incorrect or non-existent data messages

Code Message Description
INENL021 No data was obtained from the query with the selected parameters, verify that you do not have a subsequent procedure Message displayed when a new INE exists by transact or no information to the data entered in the INE source has been found.

Valid as Official Identification messages

Code Message Description
INENL030 It is valid as a means of identification Message displayed when the credential is valid as Official Identification
INENL031 It is valid as a means of identification, Your address no longer belongs to the Electoral Section Message displayed when the credential is valid as Official Identification, but it must be renewed, due to changes in the Electoral Section.
INENL040 It is valid as a means of identification and you can vote Message displayed when the credential is valid as Official Identification and valid to voting.

No Valid as Official Identification messages

Code Message Description
INENL051 It is not valid as a means of identification, Your credential was canceled due to loss of validity! Message displayed when the credential was canceled due to loss of validity