Background check service documentation Version 2

Background check

The background search service is a solution to search for companies and individuals against public compliance lists for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (PLD / FT).


The service has two versions, you can specify it by sending the number in the param v or x-Version even both params. These are optionals.

The default version is 2.0. If you specify the version, the parameters (v,x-Version) must be exactly the same.


The characteristics of the endpoints for the consumption of the background check service of individuals and companies are listed below.

Physical person

This method filters individuals against public compliance lists for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (PLD / FT).



  • Version 2 (2.0)


Name Type Required Description
name string yes Name(s) of the person.
lastName string yes Last name.
secondLastName string yes Second last name.
rfc string no RFC with homoclave of the person.
curp string no CURP (Clave Única de Registro de Población).
dateOfBirth no string Date of birth.


Name Type Required Description
ApiKey string yes Access credentials


  "name": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "secondLastName": "string",
  "rfc": "string",
  "curp": "string",
  "dateOfBirth": "string"



Name Type Description
found boolean Success
coincidenceResult string Level of coincidence between the input parameters and the results obtained.
key string Keyword of the list in which the search was performed
score string Score obtained when performing the search.
alias string Alias ​​or nickname by which the wanted person is named.
object string This object varies in its response, each list has different parameters. Below is a table of the lists on record.
curp string CURP (Clave Única de Registro de Población).
completeName string Name of the list of the search performed by the person's name.
rfc string RFC with homoclave of the person.
active boolean Indica que la persona esta activa o no activa en la lista.
email string mail of the person.
  "found": true,
  "coincidences": [
      "coincidenceResult": "string",
      "list": {
        "name": "string",
        "key": "string"
      "alias": "string",
      "payload": {
        "position": "string",
        "dependency": "string",
        "birth_date": "string"
      "curp": "string",
      "completeName": "string",
      "rfc": "string",
      "active": "boolean",
      "email": "string"


Code Description
Error code If there are errors, they will be listed.
Message Error message
    code: "string",
    message: "string"

Juridical person

This method searches for legal entities against public compliance lists for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (PLD / FT).



  • Version 2 (2.0)


Name Type Required Description
businessName string yes Business name
rfc string optional RFC with homoclave of the company.


Name Type Required Description
ApiKey string yes Access credentials


  "businessName": "string",
  "rfc": "string"



Name Type Description
found boolean Success
coincidenceResult string Level of coincidence between the input parameters and the results obtained.
key string Keyword of the list in which the search was performed
score string Score obtained when performing the search.
alias string Alias ​​or nickname by which the wanted person is named.
object string This object varies in its response, each list has different parameters. Below is a table of the lists on record.
curp string CURP (Clave Única de Registro de Población).
completeName string Name of the list of the search performed by the person's name.
rfc string RFC with homoclave of the person.
active boolean Indica que la persona esta activa o no activa en la lista
email string mail of the person.
  "found": true,
  "coincidences": [
      "coincidenceResult": "string",
      "list": {
        "name": "string",
        "key": "string"
      "alias": "string",
      "payload": {
        "position": "string",
        "dependency": "string",
        "birth_date": "string"
      "curp": "string",
      "completeName": "string",
      "rfc": "string",
      "active": "boolean",
      "email": "string"

List Information


List Parameters Name
apa address, country, regulation Patriot Act
atf crime, conutry/state Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms
bam address, place_date, inegibility_period Banco Mundial
bid entity_type, observations, country, inegibility_period, causes Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
bis entity_type, program, country Bureau of Industry and Security
boe birth_date, program, country Bank of England
bsn country, imposition_date, expiration_date/status, observations Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
cia position, country Central Intelligence Agency
cor position, country Corredores
dea birth_date, country Drug Enforcement Administration
dfa entity_type, birth_date, country Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
don legal_representative, state,country Donatarias
dtc observations, birth_date, country The Bureau of Political Military Affairs' Directorate of Defense Trade Controls
epa birth_date, country Environmental Protection Agency
eun birth_date, country, program Unión Europea
fbi birth_date, nationality Federal Bureau of Investigation
fps crime, sanctioning_authority, dependency, excercise Funcionarios Mexicanos Sancionados
fse country, program Foreign Sanctions Evaders
ice birth_date, crime, country Inmigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
itp birht_date, place_date Interpool
kpn birth_date, position, address, city, country, observations, program KINGPIN
lmw crime, country London Most Wanted
mem entry_date, position, country Misiones Extranjeras Acreditadas en México
not notary_number, state, country Notarios
ofc birth_date, position, address, city, country, observations, program Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
onu birth_date, country Organización de las Naciones Unidas
pap profession, birth_date Personas de Alto Perfil Social
pgj state, country Procuraduría General de Justicia
pgr observations, country Procuraduría General de la República
pis birth_date,country Postal Inspection Service
ppe position, dependency, birth_date Personas Políticamente Expuestas Nacionales
ppf position, dependency, birth_date Funcionarios Públicos Nacionales que no son Peps
ppi country, position, dependency, birth_date PEPS Internacionales
ppx position, dependency, birth_date Funcionarios Ex Pep
sat entity_type, fiscal_status SAT 69 Contribuyentes morosos
satb fiscal_status SAT 69-B Personas Morales y Físicas, Empresas Fantasma y Facturas Apócrifas
ssi program, country Sectoral Sanctions Identifications
usm crime, country/state United States Marshals Service


Code Description
Error code If there are errors, they will be listed.
    "code": "string",
    "message": "string"

Service messages

Code Message Description
200 N/A Indicates if the request was successful. If all goes well, it will show the structure of the data.
400 $ or $ values cannot contain blanks. Message that is displayed when a request is sent with empty fields: Name, lastname, second last name and RFC.
400 $ or $ values cannot contain blanks. Message that is displayed when a request is sent with empty fields: Name, lastname, mother's last name and business name.
200 { "found": false, "coincidences": [] } If the request was unsuccessful. If no match is found, it will display the indicated structure.
400 The number of characters must not be greater than $ or $ Message that is displayed when more characters are entered than allowed in the fields.
401 The apikey is not valid Message that is shown when the api key is incorrect.
400 You must enter correct values to perform the query Message that is displayed when incorrect characters are sent.
500 Error in server response Message displayed when there is an error getting the response from the server.
504 Response time has exceeded Message that is displayed when the server takes a long time to deliver a response and cannot be obtained. -