CFE validation service

Address service

Address service allows to validate a CFE document and get the structured data of residence and owner of the service contract. Also, the service consults directly in CFE to verify.

Web service description

Validate CFE document and address

This method performs the validation of the CFE document and obtains the information of the contract by OCR (Optical Character Recognition), verifies before the CFE if the contract number presented in the CFE address document.



Tag Type Required Description
imageFile file yes CFE image type .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .pdf. The minimum dimensions are 500x1010 and the maximum 4500x4500.
v string yes Version of the API, Type number 2 for the last version of the service


Tag Type Required Description
apikey string yes Customer key.


  "imageFile": "file"


Name Type Description
valid boolean "Success"
name: string Name of the CFE service contract owner.
addressline1 string Street and number.
addressline2 string Street reference.
addressline3 string Suburb and postal code.
addressline4 string City and state.
payment double Total amount invoiced.
period string Billed period.
serviceNumber String Service contract number.
paymentDeadline string Payment deadline.
geocodeUrl string URL of the geographical location of the address.
lat string Latitude.
lng string Length.
contractingName string Name of the service contrator.
address string Address of the CFE service.
contractingServiceNumber string Contract number of the CFE service.
rmu string RMU (Registro Móvil de Usuarios) of the service.
contractingTotalPayment string Total payment for the last month.
rate string Rate of the service.
meterNumber string Meter number of the CFE service.
multiplier string Multiplier of the CFE service.
paymentLimit string Last day for payment of the CFE service.
cutoffDate string Day of cut of the service.
code: string Error code.
message string "Error message".


  "valid": "boolean",
  "data": {
    "name": "string",
    "addressline1": "string",
    "addressline2": "string",
    "addressline3": "string",
    "addressline4": "string",
    "totalPayment": "double",
    "period": "string",
    "serviceNumber": "string",
    "paymentDeadline": "string",
    "geocodeUrl": "string",
    "lat": "float",
    "lng": "float"
  "cfeData": {
    "contractingName": "string",
    "address": "string",
    "contractingServiceNumber": "string",
    "rmu": "string",
    "contractingTotalPayment": "string",
    "rate": "string",
    "meterNumber": "string",
    "multiplier": "string",
    "paymentLimit": "string",
    "cutoffDate": "string"
  "warnings": [
      "code": "string",
      "message": "string"


  "error": "Error code",
  "message": "Error message"

Verification CFE by data

This method obtains the information related with a contract in the CFE throw the service number, the name of the contrating person and the bill in string base64



Tag Type Required Description
serviceNumber string yes Contract number.
name string yes Name of the contracting person.


Tag Type Required Description
apikey string yes Customer key.


  "serviceNumber": "string",
  "name": "string"



Name Type Description
valid bool info validated
data object
geolocation object
geocodeurl string geocodeurl location
lat string lat location
lng string lng location
file string base64 file
cfeData object
contractingName string contractingName found in the CFE source
address string address found in the CFE source
contractingServiceNumber string contractingServiceNumber found in the CFE source
rmu string rmu found in the CFE source
contractingTotalPayment string contractingTotalPayment found in the CFE source
rate string rate found in the CFE source
meterNumber string meterNumber found in the CFE source
multiplier string multiplier found in the CFE source
paymentLimit string paymentLimit found in the CFE source
cutoffDate string cutoffDate found in the CFE source
warnings array list of warnings
code string warning code
message string warning message


  "valid": true,
  "data": {
    "geolocation": {
      "geocodeurl": "string",
      "lat": "string",
      "lng": "string"
  "file": "string",
  "cfeData": {
    "contractingName": "string",
    "address": "string",
    "contractingServiceNumber": "string",
    "rmu": "string",
    "contractingTotalPayment": "string",
    "rate": "string",
    "meterNumber": "string",
    "multiplier": "string",
    "paymentLimit": "string",
    "cutoffDate": "string"
  "warnings": [
      "code": "string",
      "message": "string"


Name Type Description
code string Error code
message string Error message
  "code": "Error code",
  "message": "Error message"

Create verification request for CFE

This method performs the validation of the CFE document in an async way returning a verificationId that allows to consult the results later.



Tag Type Required Description
imageFile file yes CFE image type .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .pdf. The minimum dimensions are 500x1010 and the maximum 4500x4500.


Tag Type Required Description
apikey string yes Customer key.


  "imageFile": "file"


Name Type Description
verificationId string Id of the verification.


  "verificationId": "uuid" // Id of the transaction


Name Type Description
code string Error code
message string Error message


  "code": "Error code",
  "message": "Error message"

Get verification request status

This method allows to get the status of verification of the requested data.



Tag Type Required Description
verificationId string Yes Id of the verification to track.


Tag Type Required Description
apikey string yes Customer key.



Name Type Description
verificationId string Id of the verification.
verificationStatus int Status of verification. 1.- Processing, 2.- Retrying, 3.- Delivering, 4.- Completed.
valid boolean If is valid or not
name string Name of the CFE service contract owner.
addressline1 string Street and number.
addressline2 string Street reference.
addressline3 string Suburb and postal code.
addressline4 string City and state.
payment double Total amount invoiced.
period string Billed period.
serviceNumber String Service contract number.
paymentDeadline string Payment deadline.
geocodeUrl string URL of the geographical location of the address.
lat float Latitude.
lng float Length.
contractingName string Name of the service contrator.
address string Address of the CFE service.
contractingServiceNumber string Contract number of the CFE service.
rmu string RMU (Registro Móvil de Usuarios) of the service.
contractingTotalPayment string Total payment for the last month.
rate string Rate of the service.
meterNumber string Meter number of the CFE service.
multiplier string Multiplier of the CFE service.
paymentLimit string Last day for payment of the CFE service.
cutoffDate string Day of cut of the service.
code: string Error code.
message string "Error message".


  "verificationId": "",
  "verificationStatus": 1,
  "verification": {
    "valid": true,
    "data": {
      "name": "string",
      "addressline1": "string",
      "addressline2": "string",
      "addressline3": "string",
      "addressline4": "string",
      "totalPayment": 0.0,
      "period": "string",
      "serviceNumber": "string",
      "paymentDeadline": "string",
      "geocodeUrl": "string",
      "lat": 0.0,
      "lng": 0.0
    "cfeData": {
      "contractingName": "string",
      "address": "string",
      "contractingServiceNumber": "string",
      "rmu": "string",
      "contractingTotalPayment": "string",
      "rate": "string",
      "meterNumber": "string",
      "multiplier": "string",
      "paymentLimit": "string",
      "cutoffDate": "string"
    "warnings": [
        "code": "string",
        "message": "string"


Name Type Description
code string Error code
message string Error message
  "code": "Error code",
  "message": "Error message"

Service messages

Code Message Description
ADS001 Structure of data Indicates whether the request was successful or unsuccessful. If everything goes well, it will show the data correctly.
ADS002 Failed to get data Message to show that no information was found or when the OCR could not be read, or the file has poor quality.
ADS003 The file format is not correct Message displayed when the request contains an incorrect document, when there are files different than .png, .jpg or .pdf or when the document does not correspond to the standard format.
ADS004 The document exceeds the maximum allowed weight. The message indicates that the document exceeds the maximum allowed weight of 5MB.
ADS005 The $0$ field is required. Message displayed when a request is received with null parameters or blank spaces.
ADS006 The document is expired Message displayed when the document has expired.
ADS007 File size is larger than expected Message displayed when the document exceeds 5MB.
ADS008 There was a problem to get geolocation. Message displayed when the address could not be found by geolocation.
ADS009 The apiKey is not valid Message displayed when the apiKey is incorrect.
ADS010 Server response failed Message displayed when server response failed.
ADS011 Response time has exceeded Message displayed when response time is exceeded.
ADS012 Error load image Message displayed when the service cannot process the image received.
ADS013 The document could not be read Message to show that no information was found or when the OCR could not be read
ADS015 Unable to validate document with source Mensaje para mostrar cuando no se puede realizar una comparación del OCR contra los datos en la CFE
ADS018 The document cannot be validated because the payment deadline has an invalid value. Message displayed when the CFE deadline cannot be read correctly
ADS019 The serviceNumber field is required. Message displayed when the field serviceNumber is null or blank spaces.
ADS020 The serviceNumber field format is not correct Message displayed when the field serviceNumber is not only numbers.
ADS021 The name field is required. Message displayed when the field name is null or blank spaces.
ADS022 The name field format is not correct Message displayed when the field name contains characters not alphanumeric.
ADS023 There was a problem to validate the document. Message displayed when the service is temporarily unable.
ADS024 No information was found with the data. Message displayed when the input data do not have information related
ADS025 The information couldn't be verified in the CFE source. Message displayed when the service couldn't make the verification.
ADS026 The address could not be read. Message displayed when the service couldn't get the address from the document.
ADS027 The file does not have the minimum dimensions. Message that appears when the uploaded image does not have the minimum dimensions allowed (500x1010).
ADS028 It is not an official document issued by CFE. Message that appears when the document is not issued by the CFE.
ADS029 The image does not have a valid orientation. Message that appears when the document has the allowed orientation.
ADS030 The file exceeds the maximum allowed dimensions. Message that appears when the document is larger than the allowed dimensions (4500x4500).
ADS031 File Not Found. The bill is not available for download.
ADS032 The addresses do not match The message indicates that the address of the document does not match the address indicated by CFE.