CURP SIMP API gives the service of CURP (Clave Única de Registro de Población) query, you only need to give CURP. This type of method return a simplified CURP data.* it means Unique id of population register. It´s an id for Mexican people, there only can be one for each person.


Response Time

The service is responding in 1-5s per request in production. Next, we expose the web services given by CURP SIMP API.

Endpoint and description



Tag Type Required Maximum length Description
CURP string yes 18 Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP).


Tag Type Required Description
apiKey string yes Customer Key.



Name Type Description
Valid bool
curp string Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP).
names string Person Names.
lastname string Person LastName.
secondLastName string Person SecondLastName.
dateBirth string Person BirthName.
sex string Person Gender.
federalEntityCode string Code of register place.
federalEntity string Name of registered federal entity.
descriptionResponse string This means the type is simplified search using the CURP value.
reference string Description Reference.
renapoResponse string Renapo description Response.
curpStatus string CURP Status active.


  "valid": "bool",
  "curp": "string",
  "names": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "secondLastName": "string",
  "dateBirth": "string",
  "sex": "string",
  "federalEntityCode": "string",
  "federalEntity": "string",
  "descriptionResponse": "string",
  "reference": "string",
  "renapoResponse": "string",
  "curpStatus": "string",
  "warnings": [
      "code": "string",
      "message": "string"

Error structure

Name Type Description
code string Error code
message string Error message

Error model

  "error": "string", // Error code
  "message": "string" // Error message

Table 1. Federal entities

State Code
Aguascalientes AS
Baja California BC
Baja California Sur BS
Campeche CC
Chiapas CS
Chihuahua CH
Coahuila CL
Colima CM
Distrito Federal DF
Durango DG
Guerrero GR
Hidalgo HG
Jalisco JC
México MC
Michoacán MN
Morelos MS
Nayarit NT
Nuevo León NL
Oaxaca OC
Puebla PL
Querétaro QT
Quintana Roo QR
San Luis Potosí SP
Sinaloa SL
Sonora SR
Tabasco TC
Tlaxcala TL
Tamaulipas TS
Guanajuato GT
Veracruz VZ
Yucatán YN
Zacatecas ZS
Jalisco JC
México MC
Michoacán MN
Morelos MS
Nayarit NT
Nuevo León NL

Service Error Message

Code Message
CURPSMP001 Access Denied. ApiKey header not found.
CURPSMP002 Access Denied. Invalid apikey.
CURPSMP003 Service Platform - Response time has exceeded
CURPSMP004 Depends on the exception of the error because is dinamyc.
CURPSMP005 Service platform - CURP service is not available.
CURPSMP007 No matches found in RENAPO.
CURPSMP013 Invalid Format on CURP.
CURPSMP014 Curp field is required.
CURPSMP015 CURP API service is not available.

Data returned by RENAPO

CURP status Description (Spanish) Description Response to clients Registration status
AN Alta Normal Normal registration AN Active
AH Alta con Homonimia Registration with homonymy AH Active
RCC Registro de cambio afectando a CURP Change affecting CURP. RCC Active
RCN Registro de cambio no afectando a CURP Change not affecting CURP RCN Active
BAP Baja por documento apócrifo Low due to apocryphal document. BAP Inactive
BSU Baja sin uso Low curp without use BSU Inactive
BD Baja por defunción Low curp due to death BD Inactive
BDM Baja administrativa Low, due to administrative process BDM Inactive
BDP Baja por adopción Low, due to adoption BDP Inactive
BJD Baja Judicial Low for judicial reasons BJD Inactive