Facematch service


This service allows to verify if two faces belong to the same person or if a face belongs to a person, performing the analysis of the biometrics provided.


The characteristics of the endpoint for the consumption of the face verification service are listed below.




Tag Type Required Description
sourceImage file(jpg, jpeg, png) yes Base image for comparison
targetImage file(jpg, jpeg, png) yes target image to compare with the base image


Tag Type Required Description
ApiKey string yes Company access credentials.


  "sourceImage": file,
  "targetImage": file



Name Type Description
valid boolean Result of verifying if the faces are of the same person or not
data object Field that contains the image information and its similarity level.
confidence double confidence level or percentage
similarity double similarity level or percentage
emotions array(string) Array of emotions that were found in the images
quality object field that contains the quality of images
brightness double brightness of the image
sharpness double sharpness of the image
responseMetaInfo object
requestId string ID of the request made to compare images (ID provided by the service)
  "valid": true,
  "data": {
    "faceMatches": {
      "confidence": 0,
      "similarity": 0,
      "emotions": "string",
      "quality": {
        "brightness": 0,
        "sharpness": 0
    "responseMetaInfo": {
      "requestId": "string"
  "warning": {
    "code": "string",
    "message": "string",
    "fullMessage": "string"


Tag Type Description
code string Error code.
message string "Error message".
fullmessage string "Full error message"
     "warning": {
    "code": "string",
    "message": "string",
    "fullMessage": "string"

Service messages

Code Message DescripciĆ³n
FACE001 The face Image one is required. Image One field is required to complete the request.
FACE002 Image two is requierd Image two field is required to complete the request.
FACE003 An error occurred in the face comparison process. Compare Faces command process failed.
FACE004 The minimum confidence level of the comparison of faces is low. The level of trust does not exceed the minimum required for the process.
FACE005 The processed images do not have the minimum similarity required. The images do not have the percentage of similarity required by the process.
FACE006 We did not find matches or similarities in the images processed We did not detect any similarity in any of the two images you entered in the request.
FACE007 Invalid apikey Invalid apikey
FACE008 Server response failed Server response failed
FACE009 Gateway Timeout. Gateway Timeout.
FACE010 File size is larger than expected. The file size exceeds the limit established by the service.
FACE011 The file type is not an allowed format. The type of file you entered is not allowed for the process.
FACE012 File size is larger than expected (Image 2). The file size exceeds the limit established by the service.
FACE013 The file type is not an allowed format (Image 2). The type of file you entered is not allowed for the process.