ID international
1. Service description
The ID international service allows to validate different type of official identification documents. This service process images, verifying it's authenticity and respond with information about the document.
2. Image requirements
Below are the requirements for size and quality of document images captured by any device, which are necessary for successful image processing by ID international service:
Good lighting
Environment with good lighting helps with recognizing the characters in the image. When the image is too dark or too bright the document can not be validated.
Avoid reflections
Don't use flashlight on your device. Avoid reflections from lamps or environmental lights.
Focus and sharpness
Make sure the image is clear and there are no blurred areas.
The tilt angle of the document should not exceed 10 degrees in any direction (horizontal or vertical).
Margins (too close)
Make sure there's minimum space around the document. Don't zoom the image. It is recommended that the document takes up 70-80% of the image.
Margins (too far)
Make sure the space around the document is not taking more than 20-30% of the image It is recommended that the document takes up 70-80% of the image.
The document should be in clear contrast to the background. A light-colored document on a light background, as well as a dark-colored document on a dark background, cannot be recognized.
Resolution of the image
To achieve good quality of recognition of identification documents, we recommend that you provide images captured by camera with a resolution of at least Full HD (1920×1080) and autofocus.
Make sure your hands or other objects don't cover document data.
3. API Specification
Request squema
POST ~/api/IDInternational/validateIdentification
Tag | Type | Required | Description |
FrontID | file | yes | Support jpg, jpeg or png images. |
BackID | file | no | Support jpg, jpeg or png images. |
Tag | Type | Required | Description |
ApiKey | string | yes | Customer key. |
Response squema
Name | Type | Description |
valid | bool | true / false |
containerlist | Array | |
warnings: | Array |
{Code: string , Message: string } |
Code | Message | |
IDN002 | Check was not performed | Our models can't detect the document in the given image. |
IDN003 | The image exceed the range | The resolution for the image must be 3840 x 2160 |
IDN004 | Error internal server | We got a unspected error and will be fixed as soon as posible. |
IDN005 | Format file invalid | The service it allows jpg, jpeg and png file formats. |
IDN006 | The front file is required | The file front of the id is required. |
IDN007 | The back file has invalid format | The format of the file has a invalid format |
IDN008 | The back image exceed the range | The resolution for the image must be 3840 x 2160 |
IDN009 | Server Id International dont response | Server id internation has problems to response |
IDN110 | DocType result is negative | DocType result is negative |
IDN111 | Expiry result is negative | Expiry result is negative |
IDN112 | ImageQA result is negative | ImageQA result is negative |
IDN113 | Mrz result is negative | Mrz result is negative |
IDN115 | Security result is negative | Security result is negative |
IDN116 | Text result is negative | Text result is negative |
IDN210 | DocType сheck was not performed | DocType сheck was not performed |
IDN211 | Expiry сheck was not performed | Expiry сheck was not performed |
IDN212 | ImageQA сheck was not performed | ImageQA сheck was not performed |
IDN213 | Mrz сheck was not performed | Mrz сheck was not performed |
IDN215 | Security сheck was not performed | Security сheck was not performed |
IDN216 | Text сheck was not performed | Text сheck was not performed |
"valid": false,
"containerlist": [],
"warnings": [
"code": "IDN110",
"message": "DocType result is negative"
"code": "IDN111",
"message": "Expiry result is negative"
"code": "IDN112",
"message": "ImageQA result is negative"
"code": "IDN113",
"message": "Mrz result is negative"
"code": "IDN115",
"message": "Security result is negative"
"code": "IDN116",
"message": "Text result is negative"
"code": "IDN210",
"message": "DocType сheck was not performed"
"code": "IDN211",
"message": "Expiry сheck was not performed"
"code": "IDN212",
"message": "ImageQA сheck was not performed"
"code": "IDN213",
"message": "Mrz сheck was not performed"
"code": "IDN215",
"message": "Security сheck was not performed"
"code": "IDN216",
"message": "Text сheck was not performed"
The list of containers that stores results formed during the document processing.
├── Count
├── List
│ ├── AuthenticityCheckList
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── DocumentPosition
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── OneCandidate
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── DocVisualExtendedInfo
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── DocGraphicsInfo
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── ImageQualityCheckList
│ │ └── ...
│ ├──ListVerifiedFields
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── Text
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── Images
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── Status
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── MrzPosition
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── DocBarCodeInfo
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── MRZTestQuality
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── ResultMRZDetector
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── FaceDetection
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── RawImageContainer
│ │ └── ...
Container | Result type | Description |
AuthenticityCheckList | 20 | Stores the results of performing different document authenticity checks. |
DocumentPosition | 85 | Stores the document position information. |
OneCandidate | 9 | Stores the document type information. |
DocVisualExtendedInfo | 3 | Stores text results of MRZ. |
DocGraphicsInfo | 6 | Stores graphic results of document filling area and barcodes reading. |
ImageQualityCheckList | 30 | Stores the results of performing different image quality checks. |
ListVerifiedFields | 15 | Stores the results of comparing the MRZ text data, document filling area data, barcodes data and data retrieved from RFID-chip. |
Text | 36 | Stores the text results. |
Images | 37 | Stores the graphic results. |
Status | 33 | Stores the statuses of the document verification. |
MrzPosition | 61 | Stores the MRZ position information. |
DocBarCodeInfo | 5 | Stores results of barcodes areas search on the scanned document page and their reading in binary non-formatted code. |
MRZTestQuality | 7 | Stores the information on document MRZ printing quality check results. |
├── Angle
├── Center
│ ├── x
│ └── y
├── Dpi
├── Height
├── Inverse
├── LeftBottom
│ ├── x
│ └── y
├── LeftTop
│ ├── x
│ └── y
├── ObjArea
├── ObjIntAngleDev
├── PerspectiveTr
├── ResultStatus
├── RightBottom
│ ├── x
│ └── y
├── RightTop
│ ├── x
│ └── y
├── Width
└── docFormat
Parameter | Description |
Angle | The document rotation angle. |
Center | The document center coordinates. |
Dpi | Resolution in dots per inch. |
Height | The document height. |
Inverse | Internal use parameter. |
LeftBottom | The document left bottom corner coordinates. |
LeftTop | The document left top corner coordinates. |
ObjArea | Internal use parameter. |
ObjIntAngleDev | Internal use parameter. |
PerspectiveTr | Internal use parameter. |
ResultStatus | Internal use parameter. |
RightBottom | The document right bottom corner coordinates. |
RightTop | The document right top corner coordinates. |
Width | The document width. |
docFormat | The document format. |
├── AuthenticityNecessaryLights
├── CheckAuthenticity
├── DocumentName
├── FDSIDList
│ ├── Count
│ ├── ICAOCode
│ ├── List
│ ├── dCountryName
│ ├── dFormat
│ ├── dMRZ
│ ├── dType
│ └── dYear
├── ID
├── NecessaryLights
├── OVIExp
├── P
├── RFID_Presence
├── Rotated180
├── RotationAngle
└── UVExp
Parameter | Description |
AuthenticityNecessaryLights | The combination of identifiers ofnecessary lighting schemes to performauthenticity check for the givendocument type. |
CheckAuthenticity | Set of authenticity check optionsprovided for the given document type. |
DocumentName | The document type name. |
FDSIDList | Additional document information andits link to IRS document(s). |
FDSIDList.Count | Number of elements in the array. |
FDSIDList.ICAOCode | The document issuing country ICAOCode. |
FDSIDList.List | The array of IRS document identifiers. |
FDSIDList.dCountryName | The name of the country that issuedthe document. |
FDSIDList.dFormat | The document format. |
FDSIDList.dMRZ | A flag for MRZ presence on thedocument. |
FDSIDList.dType | The document type. |
FDSIDList.dYear | The year the document was issued. |
ID | The document type numeric code. |
NecessaryLights | The combination of identifiers ofnecessary lighting schemes to performOCR for the given document type. |
OVIExp | The camera exposure value necessarywhen obtaining document images of thegiven type for AXIAL lighting scheme. |
P | Estimation of correct recognitionprobability when analyzing the givendocument type. |
RFID_Presence | Presence of RFID-chip in the document. |
Rotated180 | True if the document of the given typeis rotated by 180 degrees. |
UVExp | The camera exposure value necessarywhen obtaining document images of thegiven type for UV lighting scheme. |
├── Count
├── List
│ ├── areas
│ │ ├── Count
│ │ ├── List
│ │ │ ├── bottom
│ │ │ ├── left
│ │ │ ├── right
│ │ │ └── top
│ │ └── Points
│ ├── featureType
│ ├── mean
│ ├── probability
│ ├── result
│ ├── std_dev
│ └── type
└── result
Parameter | Description |
Count | The number of results in the array. |
List | The list of single check result pointers. |
List.areas | Anomalous image areas. |
List.featureType | The area examined. |
List.mean | The check mean value. |
List.probability | The check probability. |
List.result | The check result. |
List.std_dev | The check deviation. |
List.type | The check result type. |
result | The overall check result. |
├── availableSourceList
│ ├── containerType
│ ├── source
│ └── validityStatus
├── comparisonStatus
├── dateFormat
├── fieldList
│ ├── comparisonList
│ ├── comparisonStatus
│ ├── fieldName
│ ├── fieldType
│ ├── lcid
│ ├── lcidName
│ ├── status
│ ├── validityList
│ │ ├── source
│ │ └── status
│ ├── validityStatus
│ ├── value
│ ├── valueList
│ │ ├── containerType
│ │ ├── fieldRect
│ │ │ ├── bottom
│ │ │ ├── left
│ │ │ ├── right
│ │ │ └── top
│ │ ├── originalSymbols
│ │ │ ├── code
│ │ │ ├── probability
│ │ │ ├── rect
│ │ │ │ ├── bottom
│ │ │ │ ├── left
│ │ │ │ ├── right
│ │ │ │ └── top
│ │ ├── originalValidity
│ │ ├── pageIndex
│ │ ├── probability
│ │ ├── source
│ │ └── value
├── status
└── validityStatus
Parameter | Description |
availableSourceList | The list of available sources. |
availableSourceList.containerType | The source type, integer representation, one of the Result. |
availableSourceList.source | The source name, string representation. |
availableSourceList.validityStatus | The verification result. |
comparisonStatus | The comparison result. |
dateFormat | The date format. |
fieldList | The list of available text fields. |
fieldList.comparisonList | The list of available comparisons in the given text field. |
fieldList.comparisonStatus | The comparison status in the given text field. |
fieldList.fieldName | The text field name, string representation. |
fieldList.fieldType | The text field type, integer representation. |
fieldList.lcid | The LCID type, integer representation. |
fieldList.lcidName | The LCID name, string representation. |
fieldList.status | The overall result of the given text field that combines comparsion and verification results. |
fieldList.validityList | The list of verification results. |
fieldList.validityStatus | The verification result of the text field. |
fieldList.value | The single text field value. |
fieldList.valueList | The list of all available values in the given text field. |
fieldList.valueList.containerType | The source typ of the value, integer representation, one of the Result. |
fieldList.valueList.fieldRect | The text field value rectangular area coordinates on the image. |
fieldList.valueList.originalSymbols | Original symbols. |
fieldList.valueList.originalValidity | Original validity. |
fieldList.valueList.pageIndex | The page index. |
fieldList.valueList.probability | The symbol recognition probability. |
fieldList.valueList.source | The source name of the value, string representation. |
fieldList.valueList.value | The single text field value. |
status | The overall result of all available text fields that combines comparsion and verification results. |
validityStatus | The overall verification result of all available text fields. |
├── availableSourceList
│ ├── containerType
│ └── source
├── fieldList
│ ├── fieldName
│ ├── fieldType
│ ├── valueList
│ │ ├── containerType
│ │ ├── fieldRect
│ │ │ ├── bottom
│ │ │ ├── left
│ │ │ ├── right
│ │ │ └── top
│ │ ├── lightIndex
│ │ ├── originalPageIndex
│ │ ├── pageIndex
│ │ ├── source
│ │ └── value
Parameter | Description |
availableSourceList | The list of available sources. |
availableSourceList.containerType | The source type, integer representation, one of the Result. |
availableSourceList.source | The source name, string representation. |
fieldList | The list of available graphic fields. |
fieldList.fieldName | The graphic field name, string representation. |
fieldList.fieldType | The graphic field type, integer representation. |
fieldList.valueList | The list of graphic field values. |
fieldList.valueList.containerType | The source type which the value belongs to, integer representation. |
fieldList.valueList.fieldRect | The field rectangular area coordinates on the image. |
fieldList.valueList.lightIndex | The lightning scheme. |
fieldList.valueList.originalPageIndex | Original page index. |
fieldList.valueList.pageIndex | The page index. |
fieldList.valueList.source | The source name which the value belongs to, string representation. |
fieldList.valueList.value | The image value, Base64 format. |
├── detailsOptical
│ ├── docType
│ ├── expiry
│ ├── imageQA
│ ├── mrz
│ ├── overallStatus
│ ├── pagesCount
│ ├── security
│ ├── text
│ └── vds
├── detailsRFID
│ ├── AA
│ ├── BAC
│ ├── CA
│ ├── PA
│ ├── PACE
│ ├── TA
│ └── overallStatus
├── optical
├── overallStatus
├── portrait
├── rfid
└── stopList
Parameter | Description |
detailsOptical.docType | The check status if document type was recognized or not. |
detailsOptical.expiry | The document validity period verification status. |
detailsOptical.imageQA | The input images quality verification status. |
detailsOptical.mrz | MRZ verification: values validity, dates, checkdigits verification. |
detailsOptical.overallStatus | The summary of all optical results. |
detailsOptical.pagesCount | The number of scanned document pages, integer. | | The authenticity verification status. |
detailsOptical.text | Text fields valitity: values validity for specific fields, cross-comparison of values from different sources, dates & checkdigits verification. |
detailsOptical.vds | The Visible Digital Seal verification status. |
detailsRFID.AA | The active authentication status. |
detailsRFID.BAC | The basics access control status. |
detailsRFID.CA | The chip authentication status. |
detailsRFID.PA | The passive authentication status. |
detailsRFID.PACE | The password authenticated connection establishment status. |
detailsRFID.TA | The terminal authentication status. |
detailsRFID.overallStatus | The summary of all RFID results. |
optical | The summary of all optical results. Same as detailsOptical.overallStatus. |
overallStatus | The summary of all results. |
portrait | The comparison status for portrait in the document against the live or external image. |
rfid | The summary of all RFID results. Same as detailsRFID.overallStatus. |
stopList | The verification status for the document data against the database. |
├── Angle
├── Center
│ ├── x
│ └── y
├── Dpi
├── Height
├── Inverse
├── LeftBottom
│ ├── x
│ └── y
├── LeftTop
│ ├── x
│ └── y
├── ObjArea
├── ObjIntAngleDev
├── PerspectiveTr
├── ResultStatus
├── RightBottom
│ ├── x
│ └── y
├── RightTop
│ ├── x
│ └── y
├── Width
└── docFormat
Parameter | Description |
Angle | The document rotation angle. |
Center | The document center coordinates. |
Dpi | Resolution in dots per inch. |
Height | The document height. |
Inverse | Internal use parameter. |
LeftBottom | Document left bottom corner coordinates. |
LeftTop | Document left top corner coordinates. |
ObjArea | Internal use parameter. |
ObjIntAngleDev | Internal use parameter. |
PerspectiveTr | Internal use parameter. |
ResultStatus | Internal use parameter. |
RightBottom | The document right bottom corner coordinates. |
RightTop | The document right top corner coordinates. |
Width | The document width. |
docFormat | The document format. |